
European Parliament - Global challenges in the field of energy (EEZ)

European Parliament - Global challenges in the field of energy - EEZ.
« 77. Stresses the need to ensure the energy security and eventual self-sufficiency of the EU, primarily achieved by promoting energy efficiency and savings and renewable energy, which will, together with other alternative sources of energy, reduce import dependency; notes the emerging interest in the exploration of oil and gas fields in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea; believes that there is an urgent need to put in place a comprehensive EU policy on oil and gas drilling at sea; believes that emphasis should be put on potential hazards and on the delineation of exclusive economic zones (EEZs) for the Member States concerned and relevant third countries in accordance with the UNCLOS Convention, to which all Member States, and the EU as such, are signatories;

78. Emphasises that the granting of licensing rights for drilling and the delineation of EEZs will become a source of friction with third countries, and that the EU should maintain a high political profile in this respect and seek to preclude international discord; underlines that energy should be used as a motor for peace, environmental integrity, cooperation and stability; »

ΑΟΖ Ελλάδας και στρατηγική -- Νίκος Λυγερός

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